A Change of Government

January 13, 2014

As of thirteen days ago, we Latter-day Saints began a year long study of the teachings of President Joseph Fielding Smith in Relief Society and priesthood meeting.  I don’t know if this is in the new manual, but we should be interested in the teachings of Joseph Fielding Smith.

In April 1972 Elder Ezra Taft Benson quoted President Joseph Fielding Smith in General Conference.  He said:

The warning of President Joseph Fielding Smith is most timely: “Now I tell you it is time the people of the United States were waking up with the understanding that if they don’t save the Constitution from the dangers that threaten it, we will have a change of government.” (Conference Report, April 1950, p. 159.)

According to the Law of Witnesses, in the mouth of two or more witnesses shall all things be established.  Here is a future President of the Church quoting the President of the Church in General Conference.  Maybe this establishes the truth by the mouth of two authorized witnesses.